Thursday, March 28, 2013

AoW Response for English class

My favorite AoW was the video on creativity by Sir Ken Robinson. It really opened my mind up on the education system, and on creativity itself.

Monday, March 18, 2013


My hometown is full of trees, beautiful architecture, historic sites, musical prodigies and enough pretty women and guns to construct some kind of pretty women and gun museum. But all of these things pale in comparison to another important feature.

My home town is full to capacity with people whose shoe size is arguably higher than their IQ.

You can imagine how wonderful this makes days out. I am actually wary of eating out or going to see a movie, for fear of accidentally getting run over or assaulted by some 2-bit redneck who thought I was some big-game animal. There are not words to describe the expletives I have thought and shouted at a particularly bad driver who felt it was a good idea to drive on as many lanes as physically possible.

I will desist this rambling now. Good day.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Justified Fratricide

As I walked into my house the other day, I was filled with a profound sense of sympathy and understanding for Cain, the first murderer. When I left that morning, the house had been immaculate. That afternoon, I had to stay after school for band practice, thus allowing my brother to get home before me.

Never again will I allow that to happen.

Every thing that could be messy was. The refrigerator was open. Chairs were tipped over. The game system was upside down. The counter was litter with the remains of about ten half finished sandwiches, and there were enough soda cans on the floor to feed an army of goats. Needless to say, I beat my brother until he couldn't move anymore, then sent him out. It took me three hours to clean.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


The post of today is ancestry. Do you think that ancestry has something to do with modern behavior? Would someone with Irish blood have a tendency drinking and brawling than someone with an Arabic background? Or is it all in the person's head? I believe it is the latter, for I am 3/4ths Scot-Irish, and I have never had the desire to bust heads, drink myself into a stupor, or eat haggis. Please put your opinions in the comments box.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Firearm Fiasco

Over the weekend, I helped with a concealed carry class being hosted at my family's firing range. We had about thirty people attend the class, and exactly half of them barely knew their way around a firearm. I was asked how to fix feeding errors and magazines more times than I am capable of counting. It made me rethink my stance on gun control. Maybe it's not such a good idea to arm every single sane citizen in the US. In a situation where they would actually need to use their firearm, many people would panic fire, harming much more than they would help. Please piut your own opinions in the comments box. And for the sake of colored telivision, don't bring politics into it.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Death of choice

Spoiler alert

As I was re watching "The Expendables 2", During the scene where Van Damme spin kicks the knife into the guys chest, I thought to myself,"Wow, it sucks that he died, but that really was the coolest way he could have gone out." Then I started thinking about the way I wanted to die. After 30 minutes of brainstorming, I came up with it. I want to fly Air Force One into a meteor after punching out Mike Tyson. Please submit your own awesome deaths in the comments section. Ridiculousness is welcome.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Magic Technology

I was playing Skyrim the other day, and a thought occured to me. In a world with magic, would technology need to progress? Would highly advanced surgical procedures even be needed? I mean, if you had magical never-go-out fire, then who needs kerosene? Please comment on what you think.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Media of note

Today, I'm going to introduce you to a movie. Quite possibly the funniest/most horrible movie in existence, it was well worth the pocket change I shucked out for it at the old movie bin. Birdemic: Shock and Terror is the name that was given to this... phenomena. I highly recommend it.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Slice of life II

For my SOL today, I'm writing about how they don't have Minesweeper on the school computers anymore. Why? Was it deemed to inappropriate? Is there a Mature rating on it that I'm not aware of? Did they do it to see if I would blog about it? If so, boy did it work. I got so mad when I found out about it that I decided to blog about it now and complain to anyone who will read this. Which is probably not that many people, honestly. Though I did get a page view from Germany. Whoever you are, German person, the bards will sing your praise-songs for ages to come.