Monday, March 11, 2013

Firearm Fiasco

Over the weekend, I helped with a concealed carry class being hosted at my family's firing range. We had about thirty people attend the class, and exactly half of them barely knew their way around a firearm. I was asked how to fix feeding errors and magazines more times than I am capable of counting. It made me rethink my stance on gun control. Maybe it's not such a good idea to arm every single sane citizen in the US. In a situation where they would actually need to use their firearm, many people would panic fire, harming much more than they would help. Please piut your own opinions in the comments box. And for the sake of colored telivision, don't bring politics into it.

1 comment:

  1. You should be required to go through some type of training and given a certificate of that training before any one is allowed to carry a firearm.
